What to read
Looking for more good books to add to your reading list?
We've put together a list of amazing reads that will boost your insight and knowledge of civic rights. There are also a couple of blogs that we highly recommend to stay updated on what's happening.
Remember to regularly check local newspapers and their websites, highlighting stories that need citizen support and action and share them.
Here is an initial list to start with.


What to watch
We have put together some doses of inspiration for you to watch:

Discussion Guide and Lesson Plan
Take part in a discussion around key issues from the film and get ideas on taking action.
This amazing lesson plan and discussion guide put together by American Documentary is a great place to start:

What to Listen To
Trying to figure out the best podcast to listen to so that you stay informed on civic rights can be a hustle.
We have you sorted with a couple of dope podcasts we listen to: